CAG Melbourne Anaesthetist

B. Med Sci., MBBS (Hons), FANZCA, Grad Dip Clinical Ultrasound

Following completion of my medical degree at the University of Tasmania, I undertook specialty anaesthesia training in Western Australia before undertaking further subspecialty training in neuro-anaesthesia and cardiothoracic anaesthesia at the Royal Melbourne Hospital. I have also obtained a postgraduate diploma in clinical ultrasound from the University of Melbourne after completing further fellowship training in transthoracic echocardiography.

I enjoy my work as an anaesthetist, appreciating both the human contact I have with each individual patient and the technical nature of this area of medicine. In particular I value the trust my patients place in my care. I’m a firm believer in managing my patients’ expectations. Talk them through the process. No surprises. All calm, even if urgent.

31 Derby Street

FAX   (03) 9923 2742

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